Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Insanity & Transition: Days 32-45

Well...CLEARLY I absolutely suck at updating...I mean come on, this blog is titled "Insanity & Transition: Days 32-45!" Bad Kelsey!

Anyways- let me see if I can sum this up! I am now in the second week of the second month of Insanity! So today was Day 45! It's hard to believe how INSANELY (ahaha) fast time went by. It seriously feels like yesterday that I first popped in the first DVD. Today's workout was tough for some reason, but it's over, so now I'm relaxing!

As far as my nutrition plan, I can honestly say that I've been ON TRACK! I haven't "cheated" on my plan since my bad week in Florida...and that was the first week in January! I am pretty shocked that I've been able to stay strong- but very proud too! I'm back in Transition- so I've been eating apples (YUM) and about 4 MF meals per day, plus some extra veggies. I added in the cup of dairy today- so indulged in some delicious Greek yogurt! So delish.

And this cutie? He's the newest member of our family! His name is Mickey (after who else, Mickey Mouse) and we just got him this past weekend! He is THE cutest thing on the planet- and I seriously love him with all my heart. He loves apples (like moi) and hay- and makes the cutest squeaking noises whenever he hears the bag of hay! love!

Here's another thing I did since my last update! Ryan and I went to an 80's themed birthday party! Ryan was Hulk Hogan (like his last minute mustache?) and I was just a 80's girl! It was a BLAST! And we both got compliments on our weight loss, which helped us stay on track at the party itself, which had TONS of candy- including gummy bears- MY FAVORITE. Yes, I wanted to cry when I smelled them but hey- I'd rather achieve my fitness goals than eat a few gummy bears!

Oh and guess what? I bought a BIKINI! I haven't bought one since senior year of high school (2006- yikes) and it was on sale to boot! It's not QUITE wearable yet, but I plan on being able to rock it this August hopefully! Both the top and bottom are mediums, which sucks a tad, since it means my top has SHRUNK a lot. Oh well! Worst things have happened!

I officially only have 18 DAYS until the Warrior Dash and 20 DAYS until NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!! Holy crap. I am so excited, I can hardly stand it!

As always, Stay STRONG, Sexy & HEALTHY!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Insanity & Transition/5&1: Days 29-31

So CLEARLY, I really suck at updating every day. Until I have more time, I think this will have to be an "update-whenever-I-can" sort of blog! So...since I last posted, I have started the Recovery week for Insanity, which has me doing "Core Cardio & Balance" for six days this week! Today was Day 3 of the week and Day 31 overall. I wasn't exactly looking forwards to today because my knee has been in some of the moves weren't enjoyable but you know what? I still did it. I have a heating blanket on now though, so I think that will help loosen up my knee a bit!

Monday also marked my return to the 5&1 Medifast plan. I had decided that my *happy weight* is a few pounds away from where I am now, so I figured this would work, since this week's exercise is less intense. However, I actually saw a gain, so I will probably be doing the 4&2 starting tomorrow, combined with Insanity! I refuse to give up Insanity- so I am determined to figure out the best plan for me.

Monday night, Ryan and I went to a White Sox vs. Tigers game! He had gotten them free through work- so it was pretty fun! I am a definite Cubs (and Minnesota Twins) fan but I love watching baseball, period. Here's some pictures from the night!

Our awesome seats!  Right behind home plate...and unfortunately, right behind the premium seats where I saw people eating unlimited amounts of food I can't have...rawr!

Anyways, I just got done making my L&G's for tomorrow! I am going to do three eggs in the morning (Lean #1) and something else for the green (Green #1), then I have 5 oz. of Ground Beef (Lean #2) plus Spaghetti Squash (Green #2)!

Oh, before I end this post, I wanted to mention a documentary that I've been watching. I've seen three of four parts of it so far. It's called
"The Weight of the Nation" on HBO and it's available online for free now! Click *here* to watch it!

It's absolutely eye-opening and pretty sad. It is stated in the documentary that 1 out of 3 children born in 2000 will be diagnosed with diabetes. So NOW is the time to take action. Now is the time to make sure the children of our generation grow up with healthy habits!

And now I'm off to finish this movie with Rye!

Stay STRONG, Sexy & Healthy!


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Insanity & Transition: Days 23-28!

So as you can see from the title of this post, I've been ridiculously behind in blogging...yet again! This week was crazy, with  school but I'm finally able to catch up! I am VERY happy to say that today (Sunday) marks the LAST DAY of my first month of Insanity!! 

But let's back up a little...

I had to make a few adjustments to my Insanity schedule this week, since I had a 5k on Saturday! I didn't want to be sore beforehand, since I wanted to make sure I was able to run the best I could! So Thursday, I did Cardio Recovery as listed, then took Friday off (instead of today), Saturday night I did Plyometric Cardio Circuit and this morning, I did Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs! 

So Saturday morning, we woke up bright and early to head to Downers Grove for our second 5k! We hadn't really been training as far as running goes- with the exception of my one practice one- but we've both lost weight and have been working out/eating better, so we were optimistic! Here we are, compared to last year!

It was raining and pretty chilly, but fortunately it didn't rain too badly during the actual run itself. I was confused though, since I had set my Nike+ on my iTouch to do a 5k at the same time, and it ended before I hit the finish line! But not to worry! My final time was...29.06.1!! This means that I definitely improved from my time of 39.30! Ryan improved by a lot too, as you can see! So uber proud of him! ^_^

RIGHT after we finished...we're sitting down, haha!

Afterwards, we went to Flat Top Grill and had some delicious stir fry! As far as my food for the past few days, I honestly can't remember, but I've been ON-PLAN! I repeated Week 3 of Transition and starting tomorrow, I'm going back to the 5&1 for a week, during Insanity's "Recovery Week"- and then to the 4&2...or the 5&1 w/extra protein the week after, since I start Month 2 of Insanity!

Today, I made cauliflower pizzas for the first time in a LONG time. I had forgotten how simply amazing (and easy) they are! I used Sandy's recipe from her website and it seriously is the best one out there. I decided to make it a margherita pizza, so I used olive oil instead of sauce and basil + tomatoes for the toppings!

Some of the ingredients needed for my cauli-crust pizzas!
The finished product! It was crispy and absolutely DELICIOUS!

Anyways, I'm off to make a MF shake! We're going to see "The Five Year Engagement" in the theater tonight...yay for date night!

Stay STRONG, Sexy & Healthy!


Monday, May 7, 2012

Insanity & Transition: Day 22!

Well I sure hope so...because I sure suffered today! ^_^ I have barely been able to move around today- walking up and down stairs has been pure torture!

Today was
Day 22 of Insanity & Transition. I woke up early, but there was absolutely no way that I could do the workout in the morning, since I was sore. So I went about my day and then did my workout after we got back from dinner! Holy hell. It was not easy...but I did it! Today (of COURSE) was Pure Cardio AND Cardio Abs...and I did both, right after the other! I'm going to sleep well tonight! 

Anyways, today was also the start of
Week 4 of Transition! This means that I am supposed to add in an extra serving of protein, plus a whole grain. However, I am waiting until Week 5 to add in the grains- so this week is just the protein! I also reduce my MF meals to three instead of four.

Today was weigh-in day...and I'm at 120.8 as of today. I somehow lost 2 lbs from last week! I would LOVE to reach 118 by the time I leave for NYC- so I can say I lost 80! However, my focus is on fitness and transition, so if I don't hit it, I won't be that upset.

Look at these awesome "cookies" I made with the brownies! I topped them with a wedge of Strawberry Laughing Cow Cheese!

So delicious. Nomnomnom! Must hide the LC cheese!
I also drank LOTS of green tea today...even had a "tea party" with my MF sisters, haha! Here's me with my awesome damask coffee mug- which is ALMOST as awesome as my panda mug.

And then, for dinner, Ryan and I went to FLAT TOP GRILL! I seriously love that place. Here's my amazing dinner bowl. I did a mix of veggies, plus lots of chicken, egg (extra protein) and some of the Vietnamese Soy Sauce and Garlic Water! They were some of the lower carb sauces, so I hope I made good choices!

So today, I've had:
* 3 MF meals
* 2 apples
* 1 cup FAGE 0% Greek yogurt
* 2 pieces of light string cheese
* LOTS of veggies & about 6 oz of chicken and about 1 egg at Flat Top Grill
* LOTS of green tea + water + 1 Diet Dr. Pepper

As far as this week, I have two finals...a paper...and I'm pretty much DONE for this semester! I can't wait! Summer semester starts on the 21st! I have to get my NYC trip approved by my professors...fingers crossed!
Stay STRONG, Sexy & Healthy!


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Insanity & Transition: Day 21!

Today was Day 21 of Insanity & Transition! However, today was supposed to be my "rest" day for Insanity. I felt like exercising though, so I decided to run this morning! I set out, planning on just running as much of a 5k (using my Nike+) as I could- and I thought I'd be stopping after a mile or so...but I ended up running the entire 5k- and only stopped a few times! Here's my results!

I am absolutely thrilled with these results because the LAST time I ran was the Thanksgiving 5k in November 2011...and I had a time of 39.30 with a pace of 12'45"! That means I shaved off a little more than 10 minutes off my time! Woohoo!  I am also 25 pounds lighter than I was- so I am sure that contributed to my improvement!

I AM in pain right now (Bengay is my friend yet again) but I'm pretty happy that I was able to accomplish this! ^_^

As far as food, I've had:
* 4 MF meals
* 2 apples
* 1 cup Chobani 0% Greek Yogurt
* 1 cup raw baby carrots
* 2 whole eggs + 1 cup Eggbeaters
* 1 1/2 cup of green beans
* Lots of water + green tea (yum!)

Weigh-in is tomorrow! Wish me luck! I was 121.6 as of today!

Stay STRONG, Sexy & Healthy!


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Insanity & Transition: Day 20!

Today was Day 20 of Insanity and Transition! I did Plyometric Cardio Circuit today...then headed over to my VERY LAST Zumba class. We had a substitute instructor and she actually worked us HARD. I'm considering taking one of her courses this fall! 

Ryan and I ran some errands today...including a trip to Costco! It has seriously been one of my favorite places, and it's amazing what kind of deals you can get! I got a huge tub of FAGE 0% Greek Yogurt for only $4.99...and a big pack of Gala apples for about $5.99! That will last me a week!

So today, I had:
* 4 MF meals
* 2 apples
* 1 cup Chobani 0% Greek Yogurt
* Wedge Salad, Green Beans & 6 oz. Steak from Outback
* Lots of water + green tea
* 1 can of Diet Dr. Pepper
Stay STRONG, sexy & healthy!


Friday, May 4, 2012

Insanity & Transition: Days 16, 17, 18 & 19!

So as you can tell from today's blog title...I'm a LITTLE (okay...a LOT) behind on blogging! This week has been absolutely crazy at school, with tests and projects and presentations...and sadly, my daily blog fell to the side. And next week may not be much better, but I'll try! However, I have been staying on track with Insanity AND Transition! Let's see if I can sum it up:

Day 16 was Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Day 17- Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs
Day 18- Cardio Recovery (thank GOD!)
Day 19- (today) was Cardio Power & Resistance

I'm finding that I am able to do the exercises more easily than I was able to in the beginning of the month BUT I'm not letting that be an excuse. I'm trying to push myself every single time I press play. I'm also pretty happy that I can actually SEE something in the form of SOME sort of muscle on my upper arm...I'm sure nobody else could see it- but hey, it counts! ^_^

O_O Yikes. This is photographic PROOF that I TRAINED HARD ENOUGH! ^_^

As far as Transition goes with Medifast, I've been rocking the plan! I've really been enjoying having fruit with my Greek yogurt in the morning-usually right after my workout. Doesn't this look aaaamazing? And healthy!
I seriously LOVE this tea- Pomegranate Raspberry Green Tea by STASH!

I really look forwards to my fruit for the day- which is just STRANGE because before, when I wasn't on any particular plan and eating what I wanted, I would never have reached for fruit to satisfy a sweet craving. And now? I am wishing I could have MORE in the day! That will come in Maintenance, but for now, I see it as a sweet reward! So delicious.

So let me think...oh yeah. I have one tiny little thing that happened this week...





Can you see me? All the way over there on the top right! Not the greatest picture, but woohoo! And as of today, I'm down 76!

Here's how it all went down: I was told by some of my MF friends that I should enter the contest awhile I did. I submitted some before/after (really during) photos, as well as a little bit about myself. I didn't expect to hear anything back...but I started getting emails...that led to the Skype date I talked about awhile back...and THAT led to a very exciting phone call on Wednesday afternoon!!!!! It was hilarious- I actually missed their first call because I was busy making my MF brownie! But thankfully, they called back.

So as a result, I will be flying to *New York City* in June for a photoshoot to be in advertisements!!! EEP! It still hasn't sunk in! I'm so excited- but also a little nervous! I know I suck at modeling! But I guess they're going to have to make me into one somehow! I also get to go SHOPPING (YES!) and have a makeover...two things I loooove. Ryan will be coming with me if all works out and HOPEFULLY (fingers crossed) I will be able to see some of the very wonderful MF friends I've made over the past few years, since several of them live in the New York area!! ^_^

I'm about to collapse into bed soon...but before I go- check out my new water bottle! Oh and it was FREE! If you're part of PINK NATION of Victoria's Secret- go get your free one now!

One more thing: this is for Annie b/c she missed my Pucca pictures!

As always, Stay STRONG, Sexy & Healthy!